Most of the posts on this blog are articles previously published in national periodicals. Folks have been asking for these to be collected in one spot...and this is that spot. And, unless otherwise noted, illustrations are by David Gillett as well.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sneak Preview...look for a new essay in The Globe & Mail, Wednesday, July 11th on the back cover of the LIFE essay that includes Fleet Foxes, Knitting and Luddites can't be all bad. A smidgen of the illo (design editor speak for illustration)  shown here.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Gillett,

    My name is Jim McGuckin and I am a 35yrs young Christian from Delaware. I used to race dirt bikes when I was younger, mostly Enduro's and harescrambles but I have done a few laps on the motocross course. I stumbled upon your books in a Christian section many many years ago. I have read and re read your two books multiple of times. I now pass them down to my step son to read. Not only are those two books a great read but they are uplifting to my soul. I am glad that I can pass them down to my children to read and the morals be relevant today as they were when I read them. I know this isn't probably the best place to let you know this but I decided to do it anyway. Thank you for those two books they meant a great deal to me.

    God Bless,

    Jim McGuckin
